Friday, July 9, 2010

Someone stop the world...I want to get off!
What is wrong with you superficial, priority messed-up American public!?!?
At what point did the simple matter of an announcement from a pro-basketball player become worthy of prime-time television? Who gives a rat's ass what team LeBron plays for? And why is the announcement of such worthy of an hour on prime-time?
Is anyone showing - promoting - a prime time special about the hardships of people in the Gulf who are dealing with the repercussions of the oil spill?
How 'bout an hour showing that a young kidnap victim is home safe?
Come on...why is it that we seem to care more about the new hunky/hot vampire or self-indulgent pro athlete than we are about actual important matters?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dear Mr President;

With all due respect...what are you using for brains? Why do you insist on allowing anyone & everyone in your administration to be allowed to speak to the media? You yourself don't go before the media without intense preparation; why would you allow others to do so? No one, miltary or otherwise, regardless of rank (such as General McChrystal) who are subject to your oversight should be allowed to speak to the media. In all instances, a professional media representative should do the talking. Let the military do what they do - military stuff - and let other professionals handle the media.
